Message from the Chair
The CGHB is a not for profit small business networking and advocacy group. We are run by a board of volunteers who all have an interest in small business via ownership, consulting, or education.
We are apolitical and do not seek financial assistance from Government sources. Membership fees and our events are our only source of income. For us to remain 100% independent we need support from the small business community by becoming members.
With that support we will continue to offer affordable membership, hold monthly business networking events and provide an independent voice for small businesses in Greater Hobart.
More info: cghb.org.au/membership
Edwin Johnstone
Chair, Confederation of Greater Hobart Business

March 2024 Business Networking Event
Change Management and Team Development
Discover the untapped power within you with Trish Goodfield. Unlocking human potential isn’t about finding a magical key, it’s about tapping into your own unique ‘weird wisdom’, as Trish calls it.
With over two decades of experience, Trish specializes in guiding individuals and organizations to discover this inner wisdom and unleash a world of possibilities.
- Location: 83 Salamanca Place, Hobart
- Date: Tuesday 19th March 2024
- Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
- Cost: $10 members / $20 non members
Food and drinks will be provided. Open to members and non-members, our events are a chance to connect with people in the Greater Hobart area, discuss local issues, share advice, and offer support.
More Details: cghb.org.au/march-2024

April 2024 Event
Candidates Forum, Legislative Council Election for Hobart
We will be holding a candidate’s forum for the upcoming Legislative Council Election for the seat of Hobart. Polling day is on Saturday 4 May 2024. More details to follow as candidates are announced.
- Location: 52 Hampden Rd, Battery Point
- Date: Tuesday 16th April 2024
- Time: 6:00pm
More Details: cghb.org.au/april-2024

MEDIA RELEASE: Is a backflip all that bad?
During this current Tasmanian State election campaign plenty of terms and slogans are being bandied around in equal measure by both major parties.
Terms like moving forward, strong plan and cost of living relief are used when they describe themselves but what words are used to describe each other’s actions when it comes to policy changes?
More Details: cghb.org.au/backflip

Business Grant Writing
Many government agencies offer grant programs. Some are for specific industries or regions. Others are for any industry but may have a particular focus, such as employment or economic growth.
Grant funding is public money and the government has stringent processes to ensure funds are spent fairly and equitably. Each grant will have a rigorous assessment process.
More Details: cghb.org.au/grant-writing

Welcome to new member LINK Business Brokers
Kelvin Markham is your Business Sales Specialist. LINK Business Brokers are sector specialists with thorough industry knowledge, who provide sound advice based on facts, not guesswork.
More Details: cghb.org.au/link-business-brokers

Welcome to our new member Work PS
Fiona McCarthy consults in Workplace Psychosocial Risk Management, providing learning and development for businesses.
If your organisation is already on board with the idea of wellbeing at work the Fiona will help you take the next step.
More Details: cghb.org.au/workps

Welcome to new member R&S Dance Revolution
For nearly 25 years they have provided the Greater Hobart area with quality non-competitive dance classes for ages 2-16+ years.
They make dance fun, engaging and exciting for all of our students, in a nurturing environment where truly everyone is a star.
More Details: cghb.org.au/rompersandstomp

TCCI Membership
All financial members of the Confederation of Greater Hobart Business receive a subsidiary base level membership of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) valued at $440.
More info: cghb.org.au/tcci

Become a Member of CGHB
Annual Membership is $55 and includes:
- Subsidiary TCCI membership through Chamber Alliance (Value $440)
- Advocacy on your behalf to Local and State Governments.
- Regular networking events with discounted rates for members.
- Your business is promoted on our website.
- Opportunities to market your business to our members.
- Regular online newsletters.
More info: cghb.org.au/membership

About Us
The CGHB is a not for profit small business networking and advocacy group. We are run by a board of volunteers who all have an interest in small business via ownership, consulting, or education.
We hold monthly business networking events and provide an independent voice for small businesses in Greater Hobart.
< February 2024 – April 2024 >