Message from the Chair
Good news for outdoor venues in Salamanca Place with live music now being allowed on Sundays after a trial period was agreed upon by the City of Hobart. The motion for a year-long trial was brought forward by Ald Zucco and had the backing of the Confederation.
Last week we held our February Networking Event, Mac Point 2.0 Creating a Unique Tasmanian Community Precinct. Big thanks to Dean Coleman from Stadia Precinct for speaking and staying back to answer everyone’s questions.

It was a very informative night for everyone who attended. No one was left in any doubt that this is a genuine proposal with the level of planning, stakeholder consultation, and costings very impressive.
The Confederation holds monthly business networking events in the Greater Hobart area. Our events have speakers that talk on a variety of topics that relate to small business.
Keep an eye out for upcoming events at: cghb.org.au/events
Edwin Johnstone
Chair, Confederation of Greater Hobart Business

Racism Hurts Me Initiative
Sherlock & Dutta Consulting are looking for partners to sponsor an Anti-Racism Initiative aimed at addressing this issue within Tasmania.
If you would like to be part of this initiative and have your business contribute to a more inclusive and vibrantly diverse Tasmanian community, please contact the CEO and Director, Dr Zelinda Sherlock.
More details: cghb.org.au/racism-hurts-me

Business Networking Event for March
Discover the untapped power within you with Trish Goodfield
Unlocking human potential isn’t about finding a magical key, it’s about tapping into your own unique ‘weird wisdom’, as Trish calls it. With over two decades of experience, Trish specializes in guiding individuals and organizations to discover this inner wisdom and unleash a world of possibilities.
- Location: 83 Salamanca Place, Hobart
- Date: Tuesday 19th March 2024
- Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
- Cost: $10 members / $20 non members
- Food and drinks will be provided
More Details: cghb.org.au/march-2024

Welcome New Board Members
Welcome our two newest board members: Joakim Karlsson from Sincura Consulting and Jason Reed from Talent Advisory.
Our board is made up of five members from varying backgrounds, but all have a passion to see small businesses prosper in Greater Hobart.
Current Board
Edwin Johnstone: Chair
Paul Nash: Treasurer
Joakim Karlsson
Jason Reed
Martin Waldhoff

MEDIA RELEASE: Rates Rise Pain
Many small businesses in Hobart are just hanging on at the moment during this seemingly never-ending cost-of-living crisis. The latest challenge about to be landed at their feet are potential increased commercial rates from the Hobart City Council.
More Details: cghb.org.au/rates-rise-pain

Welcome to new member Cyberwise Australia.
Cyberwise Australia exists to help empower, advise and protect Australian small-medium businesses from the vulnerabilities and threats faced in the modern cyber world.
More details: cghb.org.au/cyberwise

Welcome to new member RooRush.
RooRush is your one-stop-shop for internet marketing solutions. They understand that in today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential to the success of any business.
They offer comprehensive solutions that are designed to help you take your internet marketing to the next level.
More details: cghb.org.au/roorus

Welcome to new member SolutionsWon Group
They specialise in providing end-to-end property solutions for you and your business. They apply 50+ years of in-house expertise in architecture, process engineering, facility management and project delivery.
However if you have a left-field property query or are looking for a Partner to assist your property requirements go and see them.
More details: cghb.org.au/solutionswon

TCCI Membership
All financial members of the Confederation of Greater Hobart Business receive a subsidiary base level membership of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) valued at $440.
More info: cghb.org.au/tcci

Become a Member of CGHB
Annual Membership is $55 and includes:
- Subsidiary TCCI membership through Chamber Alliance (Value $440)
- Advocacy on your behalf to Local and State Governments.
- Regular networking events with discounted rates for members.
- Your business is promoted on our website.
- Opportunities to market your business to our members.
- Regular online newsletters.
More info: cghb.org.au/membership

About Us
The CGHB is a not for profit small business networking and advocacy group. We are run by a board of volunteers who all have an interest in small business via ownership, consulting, or education.
We hold monthly business networking events and provide an independent voice for small businesses in Greater Hobart.
< January 2024 – March 2024 >