Our guest speaker for November is Penny Stinger from AusIndustry.
AusIndustry provides a connection between small and medium size business and government.
Open to members and non-members, our events are a chance to connect with people in the Greater Hobart area, discuss local issues, share advice, and offer support.
Event Details
- Location: L2, 83 Salamanca Place, Hobart
- Date: Tuesday 26th November 2024
- Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Cost: $10 members / $20 non members
- Tickets: www.eventbrite.com.au
- Drinks and nibbles provided
About Penny
Penny Stringer is the Regional Manager for Southern Tasmania, representing AusIndustry’s Business Outreach and Engagement Network that sits within the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science & Resources.
Penny’s role is to connect businesses with government programs and support services. Penny engages with businesses in the twelve LGAs of Greater Hobart.
Monthly Events

The Confederation of Greater Hobart Business holds monthly business networking events in the Greater Hobart area.
Our events have guest speakers that talk on a variety of topics that relate to small businesses in the Greater Hobart area.