February 2025 Event
Harnessing AI in Small Business: Opportunities and HR Concerns
AI is poised to revolutionise businesses, yet the road to successful AI integration is fraught with challenges. Our guest speaker for February is Jason Reed from Talent Advisory, he will guide you through the opportunities and concerns of AI from a HR perspective.
Details: cghb.org.au/february-2025

Collins Street Bike Lane Proposal
We have confirmation from the Hobart City Council that we have the required 1000 valid signatures required to trigger the calling of a public meeting under the Local Government act.
The petition will be presented at the Council’s February 24th meeting. The timing and details of the public meeting will be discussed with the event to follow, hopefully early to mid-March.
Details: cghb.org.au/collins-street
Free Cyber Wardens Webinar
Designed for small business owners and employees, this short introduction to cyber security will equip you with foundational cyber security skills.
Details: cyberwardens.com.au/webinars
Leadership Training for the Future: Have Your Say?
TCCI Training, want to ensure they are leading the way in training and coaching Tasmania’s future leaders. Complete the 1-minute survey for your chance to win a $250 TCCI training voucher.
Survey: surveymonkey.com/r/2XQZYHM
Bidding for Government Contracts
Interested in selling your products or services to the Tasmanian Government? The Dept of Treasury and Finance has a handy one-page factsheet Bidding for Government Contracts to help you get started.
More info: purchasing.tas.gov.au
Master the Craft and Business of Professional Speaking
PSA Full Day Workshop
Join in-person or online for a powerful masterclass that brings together the craft and business of professional speaking.
More info: nsaoa.wildapricot.org/event
New Member: OnRoad OffRoad
We are a Registered Training Organisation specialising in Heavy Vehicle Training, Machinery Operations and High Risk Licensing.
Operating as an RTO since 2004 OnRoad OffRoad Training is a Tasmanian owned and run business.
More info: cghb.org.au/onroadoffroad
New Member: Rodgers Reidy Tasmania
If you are in financial distress, they are there to support you. Rodgers Reidy is an Insolvency, Restructuring & Forensic Accounting firm with Australian and International offices.
They are proud of their history of helping businesses and individuals in financial distress.
More info: cghb.org.au/rodgersreidy
New Member: In-tellinc
In-tellinc’s focus is to assist Tasmanian businesses in the development of their business skills, IT and marketing know-how.
Thet have an experienced team of marketing and communications consultants, business consultants, management consultants and IT consultants.
More info: cghb.org.au/in-tellinc
New Member: Optus Business Centre
Optus Business Centre Tasmania tailor the right solutions to support your business needs. As local business owners themselves, they are committed to helping your business grow.
They understand your business, offering professional advice, technology expertise and comprehensive whole of business solutions.
More info: cghb.org.au/optus
TCCI Membership
All financial members of the Confederation of Greater Hobart Business receive a subsidiary base level membership of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) valued at $440.
More info: cghb.org.au/tcci
Become a Member of CGHB
Annual Membership is $55 and includes:
- Subsidiary TCCI membership through Chamber Alliance (Value $440)
- Advocacy on your behalf to Local and State Governments.
- Regular networking events with discounted rates for members.
- Your business is promoted on our website.
- Opportunities to market your business to our members.
- Regular online newsletters.
More info: cghb.org.au/membership

About Us
The CGHB is a not for profit small business networking and advocacy group. We are run by a board of volunteers who all have an interest in small business via ownership, consulting, or education.
We hold monthly business networking events and provide an independent voice for small businesses in Greater Hobart.