Message from Chairman
At last month’s AGM I was elected as the new Chairman of the Confederation of Greater Hobart Business. I acknowledge the work of outgoing chair Alderman Louise Bloomfield in setting up and growing the confederation.
Moving forward I see our role as being an alternative voice for small businesses by remaining apolitical and independent.
As well as advocacy our aim is to offer networking and marketing opportunities to businesses in Greater Hobart through regular events.
I welcome any feedback or ideas on issues that businesses need advocating for in Greater Hobart. See you at our next event.
Edwin Johnstone
Chairman Confederation of Greater Hobart Business

Upcoming Events
Our networking event for August will be held in North Hobart. Guest speaker is Workplace Psychosocial Risk Management consultant Fiona McCarthy.
Fiona will talk about the new laws around Workplace Psychosocial Risk Management.
Drinks and nibbles provided. Come and join us, non-members welcome.
- When: Wed 23rd Aug, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
- Location: 80 Federal Street, North Hobart
- Cost: Members $10 / Non-Members $15
- Bookings: www.eventbrite.com.au
We have more exciting and valuable guest speakers and events planned for the coming months so please keep an eye on the website at www.cghb.org.au/events

Become a Member of CGHB
Your Membership includes:
- Advocacy on your behalf to Local and State Governments.
- Regular networking events with discounted rates for members.
- Your business promoted on our website.
- Opportunities to market your business to our members.
- Regular online newsletters.
Annual Membership is $55. Visit cghb.org.au/membership for more details.

New Website is Live
Our new website is up and running at www.cghb.org.au. Visit for information on upcoming events and resources for small businesses in Greater Hobart.
Included on the new website is a member’s directory. This is a great opportunity for members’ businesses to be promoted and I encourage all members to support each other.

UTAS Redevelopment Affecting Small Businesses
The current closure of a section of Brisbane Street for 16 weeks highlights the difficulties the UTAS move is having on small businesses in the CBD.
There has been a mass exodus of businesses in the area with only two now remaining in the vicinity of the Brisbane Street redevelopment.
The total lack of parking for the proposed 3000 students and 300 teachers is going to drive away what little customers are left for businesses around the UTAS developments.
UTAS has stated they may provide some parking in future developments but that will be too late as the damage has already started.
Having a range of diverse small businesses is the heart and soul of any community and they are the reason many people visit the Hobart CBD.

Business Resources
Business South was specifically formed to promote, encourage and support self-employment and entrepreneurship.
They are a part of the Kingborough Community Enterprise Centre. KCEC has been providing business advice and assistance to small and medium businesses for over 20 years.
This includes start-ups, existing businesses and those looking to expand.
Both Sharon and Mikala are approved Business Advisors through Business Enterprise Centres Australia.
Visit Website: www.businesssouth.org.au

Member Profile – Brooks Glass & Aluminium
Brooks are family owned and operated glaziers in Southern Tasmania, with over 40 years of experience. They offer a friendly and reliable team of experts to assist you with your glazing needs.
- Repairs, Replacements & Reglazing
- Glazing Maintenance
- Glass Installation
- Direct Insurance Billing
- Commercial & Residential Glazing
- Free In Area Quotes
Visit Website: www.brooksglassandaluminium.com