Men’s Resources Tasmania

Who is MRT?

Men’s Resources Tasmania is a community-based, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation that supports and promotes the wellbeing of men and boys in Tasmania.

We contribute a male voice to community conversations and public sector policy, particularly around social, health, and wellbeing issues relevant to men. We operate primarily through volunteer involvement, with some support from member organisations.

What does MRT do?

MRT believes men and boys are entitled to quality support. Our current ctivities include:

  • establishing coaching and mentoring services, particularly focused on men engaged with the corrections system
  • developing and delivering workshops for businesses and community
  • creating resources to help men and boys get the support they need
  • advocating for men and boys to government and the community
  • sharing positive stories about the great contributions men and boys make to our community.

Why do men and boys need support?

Improving gender equality and equity for everyone means addressing the challenges that all genders face.

While men continue to hold more positions of power and leadership in organisations and often dominate the makeup of board rooms, most men are not in those positions of power.

We’re not about taking resources away from supporting women – we’re saying men need better support too.

Men have poorer health outcomes than women in many areas, here are just a few:

  • 75% of suicides are by males
  • 80% of deaths from heart disease in people under 65 are men
  • men die 6 years younger than women
  • over 90% of the prison population are male
  • 1 in 2 men over the age of 15 have experienced violence
  • over 90% of workplace deaths are males
  • boys have poorer educational outcomes than girls at most grades in schools and tertiary institutions
  • only about 1% of parental leave taken in Australia is taken by fathers.