2 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy 7010
About Glenorchy Jobs Hub
Glenorchy Jobs Hub is a brand-new initiative. It was launched in 2021 to help the people of Glenorchy find local jobs.
The Hub is purpose-designed. It is ONE central place where people can come to get connected to whatever support they need to find a job – or to find workers. It is a free service.
The Hub is for everyone

Our role is to help ALL jobseekers find work, and to improve their opportunities for employment through connection with training and other support.
The Hub matches jobs with people, and it connects people to the training or services they need to get job ready.
We offer a real-life solution for the people of Glenorchy to build better futures by finding local jobs.
The Hub helps Glenorchy employers

We understand that your business success relies on finding the right workers. We provide access to our pool of local workers and offer a platform where you can advertise your vacancies at no cost.
We offer details of funding opportunities and government support that can help develop the skills for your existing and future employees.
Our aim to is to offer a free, no-fuss, one-stop employment service to local businesses.
To source the right person for your role or get funding advice, contact Glenorchy Jobs Hub today.
Designed for Glenorchy jobseekers
Glenorchy Jobs Hub welcomes jobseekers. Wherever you are on your job search journey, we are here to provide you with the supports to help you succeed.
Find employment for a solid future
Our goal is to do whatever it takes to see Glenorchy locals in satisfying jobs, working towards successful futures for themselves and their families.
Get expert guidance
We are a FREE employment support service with the experience to help people get work-ready and find a job they enjoy.
We offer expert guidance based on many years developing proven strategies that help jobseekers.
Use our advanced jobs hub platform
We draw on a strong local network to source jobs in the Glenorchy area AND we offer an advanced jobs hub platform to make finding jobs simple.
To get started on your future, contact us today.