Free Digital Coaching

Tasmanian Businesses, here is your chance to get a 4 hour coaching session with one of our expert digital coaches for FREE.
Coaching sessions can be delivered in person or remotely via Zoom or phone, if you need help accessing Zoom your friendly coach will guide you through the process.
Topics can include anything regarding getting your business online such as; websites, e-commerce, booking systems, social media, SEO, content, advertising, online tools, Google My business, strategy and much more.

If you are a Tasmanian business owner, manager, marketer or representative you are welcome to participate. All you need to be is a registered Tasmanian business with an ABN.
The confidential coaching sessions are tailor-made to your business by our skilled coaches, they run for up to 4 hours and are free of charge.
Call 1800 955 660 to book your Digital Coaching video session today!