Collins Street: Parking Petition

Save Small Businesses in Hobart’s CBD

Hobart small businesses and visitors to our city are suffering from current traffic management decisions, and this is only going to get worse.

The City of Hobart plans to remove 59 parking spaces from Collins St in the inner CBD to make way for dual bike lanes. Collins St is not a suburban road, it is a vital part of the inner CBD.

The removal of so much on-street parking does not consider people with mobility issues, our ageing population and inadequate public transport system. 

Hobart’s inner CBD has become a much safer place other the years with wider footpaths and less traffic lanes, but this area is still the main business district of a capital city.

This petition is calling on the Hobart City Council to:

  1. To stop current planned changes to Collins Street
  2. Locate future northbound and southbound bike lanes in separate streets to minimise disruption

Edwin Johnstone
Chair, Confederation of Greater Hobart Business