Collins Street Bike Lanes Proposal

Public Meeting 25th March

4th March 2025: Due to strong demand for tickets the venue for the public meeting has been moved to the City Hall. It is not too late to book tickets and to have your say.

Tickets sell out for public meeting on controversial Collins Street bike lanes

Date Set for Public Meeting

Midson Report: Collins Street Bicycle Lanes Technical Assessment

‘Not warranted’: New report on Collins St bike lanes warns of traffic delays, safety risks

ABC Radio Interview: “Design of Hobart’s CBD Collins Street bike lane trial impractical”

Practical Solutions for Bike Lanes and Traffic Needed

1,000 Verified Hobart Signatures Reached

4th February 2025: We have confirmation from the Hobart City Council that we have the required 1000 valid signatures required to trigger the calling of a public meeting under the Local Government act.

The petition will be presented at the Council’s February 24th meeting. The timing and details of the public meeting will be discussed with the event to follow, hopefully early to mid-March.

The aim was to have the petition presented at the January 28th meeting, but the Council refused to count any signatures submitted after the 14th Jan and that left us at the time with 970 valid signatures.

Now they have verified the rest of the signature we have reached the 1000 required.

Note: the total number of signatures was 2238
with 1400 of them being from Hobart. 

A Thousand Sign Petition Calling for Rethink on Bike Lane Plan

Petition Calling for Public Meeting

Scrambling to Hurt Hobart Businesses

ABC Radio Interview on Collins Street Changes

Transport Minister urges Hobart City Council to abandon Collins Street bike lane plan

Majority of Hobart Residents Opposed to Collins Street Bike Lanes, Research Shows

Business Wants Data on Cycleway Impact

Public Meeting Outcomes

‘Fed up’ Hobart businesses threaten elector poll over controversial Collins Street cycle lanes

Collins Street: Public Meeting

City of Hobart takes $170,000 from emergency fund for Collins Street dual bike lane project

No such thing as a free ride for Council

Tasmanian Government pulls the plug on $170,000 Collins Street cycleway grant

Parking Crucial For City Traders

Give businesses full picture on bike trials

Collins Street: Questions to Hobart City Council

Collins Street: Feedback

Collins Street: Questions to Hobart City Council