57b Patrick Street
Hobart TAS 7000
Ph 03 6231 6886
Fearless and hardworking “we are here to represent you to the Australian Taxation Office.
With attention to detail and a strong focus on the latest changes in tax law our aim is to be the best resource a small business can have.
Our staff are well experienced, here for the long haul and more importantly are chosen for their communication skills.
“It’s one thing to do a great tax return & entirely another to have the client understand what is going on.”
Founded in 1998 our firm started with just Louise Bloomfield as a sole trader. There are now 7 staff and we are growing every year. We understand the practical mechanics behind the functioning of a business.
- Being able to walk a client through the intricacies of establishing a new employee position and then hiring a staff member in a way that meets fair work and the ATO’s compliance requirements.
- Being able to explain and walk a client through compliance issues regarding a business name or changing the directors of a company.
- Or dealing with disagreements between directors in a company.
The relationship between our firm and the client is more team related – we are there with you, front and centre, helping you tackle your business dealings as and when they happen.
It’s why we push to work to a clients time frame, not ours. Life generally doesn’t play to a date on a calendar!