August 2024 – Cyber Security for Small Business

In today’s digital age, small businesses are increasingly targeted by cyber threats, making robust security measures more critical than ever. A cyber incident in every business is now just a matter of WHEN not IF. 

This presentation will delve into practical strategies and initiatives to help small businesses safeguard data, protect assets, empower staff, and ensure business continuity.

Dean’s relaxed style and minimum of “geek-speak” will ensure your business has what it needs to survive and thrive in a secure digital landscape.

The Confederation of Greater Hobart Business holds monthly business networking events in the Greater Hobart area. Our events have guest speakers that talk on a variety of topics that relate to small businesses in the Greater Hobart area.

Open to members and non-members, our events are a chance to connect with people in the Greater Hobart area, discuss local issues, share advice, and offer support.