Petition Calling for Public Meeting
Total Signed: 2,110
Hobart: 1,288 + Other: 812
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Thank you for signing the petition with your help we have reached 1200 signatures. Those signatures are being checked against the electoral roll to make sure they are valid Hobart residents
We need 1000 valid signatures from Hobart residents or businesses to force the Council to hold a public meeting. To be safe we would like to be way over the 1300 total to allow for any errors.
The petition will be presented at the next Hobart City Council meeting on the 28th January and the public meeting will follow sometime in February.
The Confederation of Greater Hobart Business has launched a petition calling on the Hobart City Council to hold a public meeting regarding the proposed Collins Street bike lanes.
1000 signatures from Hobart residents are needed to force the Council to hold a public meeting on this matter.
On the 31st of October the CGHB held its own public meeting to hear what concerns the business community had. At that meeting there were calls to hold an elector poll on the issue.
After feedback from our meeting, the CGHB along with business leaders endorsed a motion put forward at the last Hobart City Council meeting.
The motion called on the council to stop the current proposal in Collins Street and to undertake an independent economic impact study on effects to surrounding businesses of the proposal, the motion was lost 7 to 5.
Business leaders were present in the gallery and had to wait over 3 hours to hear the motion as the council refused to move the item up the agenda.
It has been convention in the past to move agenda items earlier for the benefit of people in the public gallery. It was done recently when the council called for a ceasefire in Gaza but not Hobart business leaders.
After the way members of the business community were treated at the meeting, we have no choice but to push for this public meeting.
Members of the business community are sick of being talked down to and disrespected.
Edwin Johnstone
Chair, Confederation of Greater Hobart Business
General Manager’s (GM) roll
If you are not enrolled to vote in the HCC area, for you signature to be counted you may need to enrol to be on the General Manager’s (GM) roll.
To be on the roll you must be a:
- resident who is not on the State Electoral Roll (for instance non-Australian citizens)
- non-resident owner or occupier of property in the Hobart municipal area
- the nominee of a corporate body.
To register for the GM roll, you must fill out the form which applies to you:
General Manager’s Roll Enrolment Form – Individual(PDF, 36KB) (for both residents not on the electoral roll, and for non-resident owners or occupiers)
General Manager’s Roll Enrolment Form – Corporate(PDF, 37KB)
If you are an occupier of a property in the Hobart municipal area you will need to provide a supporting document with your completed Electoral Enrolment Form, showing your name and current address. Examples are your drivers licence, a utility bill, lease agreement, letter from the landlord or other such document.
If you have any questions please contact the City’s Rates Team:
- Email:
- Phone: 03 6238 2787
Completed Enrolment Forms together with supporting documentation showing residency in the municipal area, where applicable, should be returned to the City of Hobart via:
- Email:
- Mail: City of Hobart, GPO Box 503, Hobart, Tasmania 7001