November – Business Networking Event
Our guest speaker for November is Penny Stinger from AusIndustry.
AusIndustry is the Australian Government’s business support program, providing expertise, connections and grants to help Australian businesses grow, diversify and innovate.
Open to members and non-members, our events are a chance to connect with people in the Greater Hobart area, discuss local issues, share advice, and offer support.
December – Christmas Celebration at T42 Hobart
This year our Christmas get together will be held at T42 Hobart on Tuesday 17th December at 6:30pm. Come celebrate the end of another year and support one of our members in T42 Hobart.
Business Wants Data on Cycleway Impact
Published: The Mercury 9th November 2024
Last week over 100 concerned business owners and residents of Hobart attended a public meeting on the bike lane proposal for Collins St.
The consensus was the current proposal for Collins St goes too far with dual bike lanes taking up both sides of the road.
Full Article:

Hospitality Business Boost Grant Program
The grant program opens at 4:00pm, Wed 13 Nov. Businesses interested in applying are highly encouraged to be ready to apply as soon as the program opens due to the expected popularity.
This grant program aims to support small businesses operating in the Tasmanian hospitality industry to invest in activities that will attract visitors to their regions, and/or assist in business growth, transition, recovery from unexpected events, innovation, or diversification.
Get started at:
Working Well Study – Mental Health at work in Tasmania
Tasmanian businesses are invited to register interest to participate in the Menzies Institute for Medical Research Working Well study. The study looks at how mental health is managed in workplaces and aims to gather insights from over 13,000 Tasmanian workers, and 620 organisations.
Poor mental health is an important and growing global issue, and Tasmania is no exception. Research shows that workplaces play an important role in supporting the mental health of their employees.
Data from Working Well will be used to establish a benchmark for the new Tasmanian Workplace Mental Health Framework being developed by WorkSafe Tasmania and WorkCover Tasmania.
Get started at:
Join The Weekly Leadership Email
Are you ready to invest in your professional growth?
Delivered every Friday, it’s a two minute read written by Troy Trewin, Founder of Grow A Small Business.
It always include one tool or professional development resource (eg. book, podcast, article) to help small business owners lead their teams better.
Sign Up:
PowerSmart for Small Business Program
Applications are opening soon to help Tasmanian small businesses save money by becoming more energy efficient.
Grants of up to $1,000 will be available per eligible small business towards the cost of conducting an energy efficiency audit, to be undertaken by an independent energy auditor.
Full Article:
Fair Work Commission Online Learning Portal
The Fair Work Commission has collaborated with the Fair Work Ombudsman to develop online resources to assist small businesses and their employees.
Courses available for download include:
- Workplace Sexual Harassment
- Preparing for an unfair dismissal conciliation
- Interested-based bargaining — a collaborative approach to enterprise bargaining.
Online Portal:
New Member – Mayfair TakeAway
Mayfair TakeAway is a cozy cafe nestled in the heart of Hobart’s CBD.
With its focus on providing exceptional coffee and delicious meals, it is a perfect place for a quick breakfast or lunch on the go.
New Member – GROW Employment
GROW Employment is a Tasmanian owned and operated group training organisation.
Their mission is to empower individuals and businesses by providing exceptional employment solutions.
New Member – Men’s Resources Tasmania
Men’s Resources Tasmania is a community-based, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation that supports and promotes the wellbeing of men and boys in Tasmania.

New member: Glenorchy Job Hub
The Hub is purpose-designed. It is ONE central place where people can come to get connected to whatever support they need to find a job – or to find workers. It is a free service.
TCCI Membership
All financial members of the Confederation of Greater Hobart Business receive a subsidiary base level membership of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) valued at $440.
More info:
Become a Member of CGHB
Annual Membership is $55 and includes:
- Subsidiary TCCI membership through Chamber Alliance (Value $440)
- Advocacy on your behalf to Local and State Governments.
- Regular networking events with discounted rates for members.
- Your business is promoted on our website.
- Opportunities to market your business to our members.
- Regular online newsletters.
More info:

About Us
The CGHB is a not for profit small business networking and advocacy group. We are run by a board of volunteers who all have an interest in small business via ownership, consulting, or education.
We hold monthly business networking events and provide an independent voice for small businesses in Greater Hobart.
< October 2024 – December 2024 >