On Thursday 31st October the CGHB held a public meeting at the RACV Hotel is Hobart. The purpose was to discuss the current and proposed changes to vehicle access and parking on Collins’s Street in Hobart’s CBD due to the installation of dual bikes. The meeting was a great success with over 100 people in…
73 Harrington St, HobartPh 03 6234 5912 About Mayfair Take Away is a cozy cafe nestled in the heart of Hobart’s CBD. With its focus on providing exceptional coffee and delicious meals, it is a perfect place for a quick breakfast or lunch on the go. Location
growemployment.com.auPh 0412 605 988 Services Labour Hire At GROW Employment, our labour hire services serve as a bridge of opportunity for both candidates and employers. We recognise the importance of a trial period to assess compatibility before formal commitments. Through labour hire, candidates get a chance to showcase their skills and work ethic while employers…
Get Tickets October is Safe Work Month and our guest speaker is Workplace Psychosocial Risk Management consultant Fiona McCarthy. Fiona will cover some of the latest safety topics, now or soon to be sitting in WHS law in Tasmania including Gender Diversity and Discrimination, and Industrial Manslaughter. Open to members and non-members, our events are…
The Confederation of Greater Hobart Business (CGHB) invites business owners and concerned members of the public to a public meeting on Thursday 31st October at 5:00pm. Selected speakers will discuss the current and proposed changes to vehicle access and parking in Hobart’s CBD. Join us as we examine the effects these changes might have on…
Published: The Mercury 15th October 2024 It is welcome news that the Tasmanian government will not progress with funding for the Collins St bike lanes. Collins St is a vital service road in the inner CDB of a capital city, it is not a suburban street. The CBD has come a long way, it is…
mrtasmania.orgPh 0474 721 749 Who is MRT? Men’s Resources Tasmania is a community-based, volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation that supports and promotes the wellbeing of men and boys in Tasmania. We contribute a male voice to community conversations and public sector policy, particularly around social, health, and wellbeing issues relevant to men. We operate primarily through volunteer…
2 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy 7010 jobshubglenorchy.com.au About Glenorchy Jobs Hub Glenorchy Jobs Hub is a brand-new initiative. It was launched in 2021 to help the people of Glenorchy find local jobs. The Hub is purpose-designed. It is ONE central place where people can come to get connected to whatever support they need to find a…
mathewc@jimsbookkeeping.com.au Ph 0429 657 674 Don’t be frustrated with your bookwork! “Much of my business comes from Client Referrals. If you know someone in Business who would like to discuss their bookkeeping needs and related services, please let them know about me and pass on my contact details.” “l offer a Complimentary Discovery Call and…